SAFETY FIRST We're taking extra measures to ensure your children are safe in our preschool. Learn More
Phone: (626) 568-8469,
Accepting Applications

At Tiny World Preschool, we are consistently keeping track of any current news and developments related to the corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak. We have and will continue to follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Social Services as well as guidance from our local health departments. Keeping our staff, children, and families safe is our highest priority.
Application Process
Come take a tour at our all-year-round school to see what we offer. Tours are done on a regular basis. Parents are encouraged to visit the school and see for themselves how well the program meets their child’s needs. In the process of registration, you will receive information about the Center, complete all necessary forms and arrange a time to enroll your child. A registration fee is required for each new applicant. We will hold a space for two weeks with paid registration.
For more information call
(626) 568-8469